

Theology is people making sense of God in the midst of their histories, cultures and worldviews. The OAIC vision is that people, building on their African cultures and values, are transformed by the Good News of Jesus Christ and blessed by the Spirit of God as they create an abundant life in community for their children and the world.

OAIC Theology works to advance this theological understanding of AICs as well as its application in the context of the contemporary realities facing Africa’s people. OAIC Theology also seeks to locate AIC faith within the wider Christian faith tradition. The program is founded on the celebration of African cultures as the venue for the reception and interpretation of the Gospel. The creation of the original AIC theologies, known as ‘the founding visions’, demonstrates the power of the gospel to continuously transform people, theologies and churches so that the message of the gospel remains fresh and focused on contemporary realities.

What We Do

OAIC Theology works to ensure that AIC theology is rooted in the AICs’ founding visions appropriated to meet contemporary challenges.  OAIC Theology also provides opportunities for AIC theological educators to come together in order to develop their theological understanding of critical issues. The program will continue to work with denominations and national chapters to train their Trainers Of Trainers (TOTs), but the content of their training will be revised with regard to contemporary Distance Education methodology.

Strategy and Initiatives
          Recovering the Founding Visions
OAIC Department of Theology is developing a process and methodology that will enable AIC scholars, students, and church members to recover and articulate the founders’ visions as sources for contemporary theological reflection. Our mission is to collect and document the histories of AICs and OAIC in order to understand AIC faith and reflect upon it as a source of empowerment and renewal in daily life and mission.
          Mainstreaming AIC Theology and values in non-AIC theological colleges
Because AIC students continue to be educated in non-AIC theological colleges, OAIC works with these institutions for the benefit of AIC students.
          Promoting theological training programs among local AIC communities
OAIC Theology continues to train AIC graduates in principles of theological education and TEE so they may return to their churches and facilitate their theological education ministry within their own communities. The churches then take responsibility for their support. The education of church leaders and the moral support and follow-up of the graduates will form a necessary part of this program.
          Support for continuing TEE (Theological Education by Extension) programs
OAIC Theology provides professional support and assistance when necessary in sourcing for funds for TEE programs within OAIC’s chapters and theological institutions.
          Centre for Research and Theological Reflection
The OAIC has set up a Centre for Research and Theological Reflection so that it can build the intellectual and theological capital of AICs. The centre hopes to do this through

  • Building networks of AIC scholars and graduates
  • Creating an intellectual and spiritual home for AIC scholars
  • Encouraging think tanks – post-graduate study support and follow-up
  • Identifying emerging issues and concretizing them in research symposia
  • Inviting senior church leaders to the centre’s work as a means of furthering education, training and scholarship
  • Ensuring that there is a regular output of published articles in books, journals and Web content
  • Developing and publishing a Journal of AIC Theology

OAIC’s Theology Program aims to:

  • Strengthen the department to become a tool for policy development and implementation
  • Facilitate the communication and renewal of AIC founding visions and the development of AIC theologies
  • Enhance AIC understanding and practice of mission, especially in cross-cultural and urban settings, and among young people
  • Sharpen and re-focus OAIC distance education methodology and practice
  • Facilitate the growth of AIC theological institutions
  • Promote positive teaching of AIC theologies and AIC issues in non-AIC theological institutions

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