The Orgainzation of African Instituted Churches attended the Funeral service of the late Archbishop Evanson Ndung’u Kibe last Friday, February 15thwith support for his family. The event was a somber celebration as members of his

Family and Friends at the viewing during the visitation

congregations, family and friends gathered to remember his faithful influence on the African Independent Churches. The Archbishop began his church ministry in 1975 when Bishop Daniel Kiongo at Mugumo-ini Church, Limuru, commissioned him as the Church Leader.  Within three years of service he was promoted and installed as a Deacon by late Bishop George Muhia and held this position until 1981 when the late Bishop George Muhia at Ngaraiga Church once again promoted him as an ordained Pastor.

The Memorial Service of the Late Archbishop

His Grace Archbishop Ndung’u was then promoted to the rank of Archdeacon in 1985 and ordained by the late Bishop George Muhia at A.I.P.C.A. Ngarariga Church. His consecration as Bishop took place in 1985 and was presided by the late Archbishop Benjamin Kahihia of A.I.P.C.A., His grace served as the Bishop of Thigio Branch of Kiambu Diocese. When the amendment of the Church constitution was made in 2000 ad allowed for transfer of Bishops it enabled the Bishop to serve various areas. These areas include; Eldoret from 2003-2003, Maragua from 2003-2005, Mukaro from 2005-2008, Gatanga from 2008-2010, Thika and Naivasha from 2010-2011 and Nakuru Diocese in 2011. His Graces influence on the local church is countless from his service in many communities across Kenya.

On the 18th of May 2011 he was elected the Archbishop and the spiritual of the church and enthroned on the 3rd of July 2011. This position is one he has served until Almighty God rested his soul on Thursday the 8th February 2013.

Ven. Gichimu sends condolences to the family of His Grace Archbishop Ndung'u

The OAIC sends its thoughts and prayers towards the family of the late Archbishop. We are sincerely grateful for his service to the African Independent Churches. He will be greatly missed.

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