“The Church is the pillar in the Society and plays a very important role that no other organ in society can claim to play.”                                                                                                                      

Pastor Edward Buri from St. Andrews PCEA who also lectures at Daystar University states that those calling upon church leaders to desist from politics are wrong.

“Many times we have been told to keep away from politics.  They have shouted at us and told us to desist from politics but I say that is not right. What we are supposed to do as church leaders is not to keep away from politics but rather to desist from certain kinds of politics. We are supposed to bring the desired kind of politics in this country in order to see the desired change,” states the pastor.

Pastor Buri who is also a regular columnist with the local dailies attest to the fact that the church has been more concerned with winning Souls while negating Systems which he says is not developmental in the long run.

“The Church plays a big role in influencing the leadership of a country. There is need to speak in as many ways as possible. There is need to ensure that we align our lives and lead the flock to also align their lives to God.  As church leaders we forget that we are in the business of winning souls and systems. We have a problem of focusing on Souls only while forgetting the Systems. We only see very few activities that are meant to change the systems and thus a failure on our part,” states the Pastor.

The pastor who was addressing OAIC church leaders from Nairobi County read the scripture from the book of Luke 3:-10 which speaks on how John the Baptist was able to win both souls and systems.

“Vs 10: What should we do then?” the crowd asked. Vs 11: John answered, “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.”  That it was everyone’s responsibility to ensure that they share the little they have with the ones who lack in society.

He stated that the leaders needed to emulate John the Baptist and his works. “John the Baptist preached and ensured that he Re-ordered lives, and aligned them to godliness. He also Re-ordered systems in the society then. The fact that he was able to condemn Herod’s actions when erred meant that he was in the business of changing the systems. There is thus the need to be bold and tell our leaders when they mess up. I am longing to see that day when during the National celebrations, we shall have those called upon to pray, that before they commence the prayers, they tell the leaders to desist from lying to the citizens, then tell everyone to close their eyes and then proceed to pray,” stated Pastor Buri.

He says that there is need for church leaders to be in the forefront to point out the unacceptable things that our leaders may be indulging in. That it is alright to be bold enough to speak to the high offices in the land and thus acting responsibly to address the wrongs and thus addressing the systems too.

He says that a lot of issues arise in the church when there are very many souls coming to church and rather than the church serving them, they instead end up serving the church. He says that instances where people come “bearing the name of God so as to access the goods of the land” which he stated was very wrong and urged church leaders to shun such people.

“The greatness of a person is not in the act, but in the motif,” stated the Pastor. “As Church leaders we should however remember not to get entangled in the politics.” He added,

There is need to elect leaders who have a vision for the Society. A society that shall be seen as a Just society. Genuine, true, honest, impeccable, society.


By: Fiona Imbali, OAIC Communications

Participants during the church leaders meeting.

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