DSC_0082What can people do as a group?

Kamuthi B -Juja is a Self Help Group barely two years old. It was started with one purpose of farming together. With contributions of sh. 200 each (4 men and 15 women) and support from OAIC, the group were able to lease 2 acres of land for the joint farming venture.

During the visit the farmers were busy weeding and harvesting the ripe crop. The common crops were tomatoes, green pepper, courgettes, ‘managu’ and kales. During the hot season, the farmers preferred watermelons whose market is readily available. .

Individually, these farmers have their own small farms on which they practice subsistence farming and mostly poultry keeping. Kamuthi has been able to generate revenue from the sale of produce and have a table banking kitty whose value is in the range of sh. 50,000. Members receive loans of up to sh. 20,000 to meet their emergency and pesonal needs like school fees or buying animal feeds. The womenfolk, who form 80% of the group, have particularly been able to gain financial independence, and through the exchange of information with other women, certain social needs are met thus a level of emancipation is achieved.

Through the proceeds received from the sale of produce, this year, an additional 2 acres was leased to increase on their production. .

To counter some of the challenges they face,, OAIC contributed towards the purchase of a
pump and Agricultural Extension Officers have provided the members with support in the form of training and advise.

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