By Fiona Imbali

A member of the OAICs Executive Committee was recently promoted as an Associate professor in Ghana. Rev. Professor Thomas A. Oduro, President of Good News Theological Seminary in Accra, Ghana, holds a Ph.D. (Distinction) in History of Christianity from Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN. U.S.A. He also holds a M.A. in Systematic Theology from Luther-Northwestern Theological Seminary, St. Paul, MN. U.S.A.

Professor Oduro

Professor Oduro

The position of an Associate Professor is based on a scholar’s published works; teaching abilities and contributions to the church/Christianity/society. “I applied for the position in October 2016. I listed all my articles and books that have been published after my promotion to the position of a Senior Lecturer. I listed all the years I have taught; undergraduate and postgraduate theses I have either supervised or graded; the Professional Bodies I am a member; conferences and seminars I have attended; presentations I have made at church conferences; ecumenical positions I hold and what I have been doing to help AICs.

The Assessors read through and graded all the published work I presented one by one (including the books I have authored). They also considered all the other non-documented activities before recommending my promotion,” stated Professor Oduro.

He has authored many academic articles and books, the latest book being, Church of the Lord (Brotherhood): History, Challenges and Growth. His academic areas of specialty are History of Christianity, African Christianity (with special interest in African Independent Churches) and Systematic Theology. He is a historiographer of African Independent Churches.

Members of the Executive Committee celebrating Professor Oduro in Nairobi

Members of the Executive Committee celebrating Professor Oduro in Nairobi

His teaching career spans three decades. He is a full-time lecturer at the Good News Theological Seminary and an adjunct lecturer at Dominion University College, Accra, Ghana and Bethel Theological Seminary, Abuja, Nigeria. He used to be the President and Lecturer of the Good News Theological College and Seminary (Abuja Campus) at Abuja, Nigeria (2009-2011).
He has held many ecumenical positions, including Regional Chairman of West African Association Theological Institutions (WAATI) and Chairman of International Council for Higher Education (ICHE), Ghana. He has led Local Organizing Committees to organize many ecumenical conferences, seminars and workshops.

He is presently, a member of the following professional bodies: Dictionary of African Christian Biographies (DACB), Center for Early African Christianity (CEAC), International Council for Higher Education (ICHE), International Council of Ethnomusicologists (ICE) and Missiological Society of Ghana (MSG).

The OAIC International Chairman the Most Reverend Dr. Daniel Okoh with Professor Oduro in Nairobi.

The OAIC International Chairman the Most Reverend Dr. Daniel Okoh with Professor Oduro in Nairobi.

He is an associate pastor of the Awoshie congregation of Christ Holy Church International, an African Independent Church. He is a speaker at many ecumenical conferences, seminars and workshops. He trains Adult Sunday School teachers and Sunday School Manual writers. He writes evangelistic tracts. He is currently, the Chairman of the Organisation of African Instituted Churches (OAIC) Ghana Chapter, a member of the International Executive Committee of the OAIC and Chairman of the Theological Resource Team of the OAIC.

He is married to Jemima Oduro. They have six adult children. His hobbies include: research, reading, singing, walking, photography and making friends.


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